| Kunskapsbanken

How long does it take to charge an EV?

At Mer, you will find both fast chargers and regular chargers. What is the difference between them and which one should you choose? Below, we have also listed the most common electric cars on the market and compared the charging times if you charge with 22 kW or 50 kW.

Var fjärde såld bil i oktober var en elbil – elbilsstatistik

When you only have time for a quick stop:
When you have limited time but need to charge your car quickly, it’s smartest to use a fast charger. With fast charging, you can charge your car from 0 to 80% in 15 to 30 minutes, depending on the car’s battery capacity and temperature. In the Mer’s charging network, you will find two types of connectors for fast chargers: CCS and CHAdeMO. Your car only supports one of these connectors.

When you plan a longer stop:
On the other hand, if you have more time available, you can choose our regular chargers, also known as semi-fast chargers. The regular chargers provide alternating current (AC) with a power of up to 22 kW. The charging speed is determined by your car. The higher the charging power, the faster the car will charge. To charge using a regular charger, you will need your own charging cable

Car modelTime (hours) for AC 22 kWTime (hours) for DC 50 kWTime (hours) for AC 22 kWTime (minutes) for DC 50 kW
Audi e-tron4,31,9258114
Renault Zoe2,41,014162
Tesla Model 36,81,540890
Tesla Model S6,02,0362120
Nissan Leaf3,00,817748
Renault Kangoo Z.E4,5269
BMW i33,80,822951
Tesla Model X6,02,0362120
Kia E-Niro5,81,334977
VW E-Golf4,90,929254
Nissan E-NV2013,30,519629
Observera att denna tabell visar kortast möjliga laddtider vid ett tillfälle då bilen kan ta emot maximalt med effekt och under optimala förhållanden.

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